Odd: Local Station In Tennessee Says There Was An FBI Bulletin Regarding ISIS Terror Plot In Tennessee


The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Memphis Division reportedly warned police officers about a threat to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas Bridge sometime in December.

FOX13 News obtained the FBI bulletin sent to Mid-South Law Enforcement agencies warning about a possible Islamic State terror plot targeting the I-55 Bridge.

“According to an anonymous complainant, as of December 2014, ISIS instructed an ISIS member, a presumed USPER in Memphis, with a direct order to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas bridge on an unknown date, activating ISIS terror cells in the United States,” the warning reads.

USPER is a law enforcement acronym for U.S. person.

Described as “an unsubstantiated, anonymous threat,” the Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned authorities in Tennessee and Arkansas about a threat made by the Islamic State to blow up an expansion of the Mississippi River bridge that connects the two states.

The question remains: Why would a terror group choose a bridge between Arkansas and Tennessee?

