Lead Prosecutor On Glenn Ford Case Apologizes

TYT Network

“It was a long journey of conscience for a former Louisiana prosecutor,” stated the Huffington Post.

“He went from celebrating a death sentence with rounds of drinks three decades ago to writing an anguished, open letter of apology after the convicted man was recently declared innocent and set free.”

“I apologize to Glenn Ford for all the misery I have caused him and his family,” A.M. Stroud III wrote in a letter published in The Times of Shreveport. “I apologize to the family of Mr. Rozeman for giving them the false hope of some closure.”

Ford is an exonerated prisoner released earlier this month from the Louisiana State Penitentiary after serving nearly 30 years on death row. Isadore Rozeman was the elderly victim who was killed in a 1983 robbery.

Stroud’s letter was more than just an apology. It was a condemnation of the state’s decision to oppose compensating the now cancer-stricken Ford for three decades lost. It was also a firm statement against capital punishment.

Unfortunately, a Caddo Parish, Louisiana judge ruled on Friday, March 27th, that Ford will not receive state-mandated compensation, states nola.com.

Ford, 65, petitioned the state for wrongful conviction and imprisonment compensation roughly nine months after Louisiana prosecutors filed a motion to vacate his 1984 conviction.

However, First Judicial District Court Judge Katherine Clark Dorroh sided with a challenge to that petition made by the Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell’s office.  It alleged that Ford failed to meet the law’s “factually innocent” clause. That provision requires petitioners to have not committed the crime for which they were originally convicted as well as “any crime based upon the same set of facts” used in the original conviction.

(Updated article)

Jordan Executes Al-Qaeda Prisoners In Response To The ISIS Burning Of Pilot

Jordan has made a quick response to the apparent killing of pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh, hanging two al Qaeda prisoners. Demonstrations have also sparked in Jordan as a result of the pilot’s death.


Vice: Faked Suicides (In Other Words: Murders) Taking Place At Guantanamo


What really happened at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility on the night of June 9, 2006?

According to the official report, three detainees hung themselves in their cells that night.

But according to Vice News, Army Staff Sergeant Joseph Hickman, who was on guard that night at Camp Delta, says it would have been impossible for the three to have committed suicide.

More on Joseph Hickman:


Nightmare Scenario: Man Dies In Prison, Guards Do Nothing

In a nightmare scenario, a man dies in a Colorado prison while guards do nothing but watch.

A lawsuit has been filed over the death of Christopher Lopez, who died on March 17th 2013 while incarcerated in the San Carlos Correctional Facility.

Lopez died on a concrete floor struggling to breath while guards watched through the food slot to his cell.

Here’s a thought: what if this man had Ebola?

Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk looks at the situation.

There is a “documentary” of it here: