NYT: Hillary Announces Candidacy


Hillary Rodham Clinton will seek the presidency for a second time, said one of her top advisers Sunday.  It ended two years of speculation and coy denials and immediately established herself as the likely 2016 Democratic nominee.

The announcement came in e-mails from John Podesta, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, states the New York Times.

“I wanted to make sure you heard it first from me – it’s official: Hillary’s running for president,” the e-mail from Podesta reads. It goes on to say that Mrs. Clinton will meet with voters in Iowa and will host a formal kickoff event next month.

The announcement by Hillary’s campaign chairman began what could be one of the least contested races, without an incumbent, for the Democratic presidential nomination in recent history, according to the New York Times.  It would be a stark contrast to the 2008 primaries, when Mrs. Clinton ended up in a long and expensive battle ultimately won by Barack Obama.

3 thoughts on “NYT: Hillary Announces Candidacy

  1. I know I’m beating one of my personal dead horses, but I so hope the Dems come up with somebody else. I simply cannot imagine choosing between her and whoever the Republicans throw up. I’m pretty certain that will be the worst choice I’ve had in my life time … worse even than Bush-Gore in 2000.

    1. There is a real chance of an “oligarchy election” – i.e., Clinton vs. Bush.

      In the primaries, I would vote for someone else.

      I hate to say it, but she may be the most realistic candidate.

      But others like O’Malley, Webb, or Sanders could help pull her to the left…

      1. Yep. That’s part of my dead horse … the idea that the best we can do as a country is a repeat of Clinton on the one side and a repeat of Bush on the other. I have never been a fan of Hillary. I dearly hope that one of the other Dems raises a serious challenge to her and we will finally be rid of the Clintons … well, at least until Chelsea starts running for office.

        I have to say, I consider Bill Clinton to be an incredible President. It’s just Hillary that I can’t stand. She has continually seemed to be somebody who believes she is entitled to this and that is simply just wrong.

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