Commentary On The Nevada College Student / Jeb Bush Exchange

Sam Seder

Recently, college student Ivy Ziedrich talked to Jeb Bush about the Iraq war at a town hall event in Reno, Nevada, about the Iraq war, writes the British newspaper The Guardian. Ziedrich is a 19-year-old student at the University of Nevada.

She questioned Bush amid a group of reporters about his belief that the jihadist group developed because Barack Obama had overseen the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq.

By the way, what does “pedantic” mean?  Wiktionary:

  1. Being showy of one’s knowledge, often in a boring manner.
  2. Being finicky or fastidious, especially with language.

Majority Report discusses it.

(Updated article)

TYT Network: Discussion Of Freddie Gray

The Young Turks

The Guardian on the beating of Freddy Gray by Baltimore Police:

“City authorities are running a criminal inquiry into his death and the US Department of Justice is investigating for potential civil rights charges. The six officers involved in Gray’s arrest have been suspended.


“Video of Gray’s arrest, which showed him being dragged into the police van by officers, has been cited by protesters as reason to doubt police claims that Gray was healthy when first placed in the van. While he was shouting in apparent pain and moving his head, one of his legs appeared limp. The video did not show his initial treatment by police.

“In a cryptic section of his remarks on Friday, (police commissioner Anthony) Batts suggested investigators were concentrating on a specific event that occurred between Gray’s arrest and his collection by an ambulance at the western district police headquarters about 40 minutes later.”

Extended TYT Discussion About Fox News’ Host Bill O’Reilly’s Lies And Fabrications

TYT Network / Nerd Seed

TYT Network discusses Bill O’Reilly’s lies and fabrications regarding his war stories.

(Updated post)

Clinton Says She Supports Amendment To Get Money Out Of Politics

NPR claims that Hillary Clinton has said she supports the idea of a constitutional amendment to restrict or eliminate big money in politics.  But will she “walk the walk?”

The notion of amending the Constitution has been discussed for decades, but Clinton is joining a new, if small, chorus of prominent politicians who are mentioning it.

“We need to fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccounted money out of it, once and for all, even if that takes a constitutional amendment,” she said at a roundtable discussion at Kirkwood Community College near Monticello, Iowa.

Campaign finance reform is one of four pillars, “four big fights,” of her campaign, she said, along with help for families and communities; a stronger, more balanced economy; and a strong national defense.

Different Political Narrative

Whatever happened to ISIS and Ebola?

Now there is a much different political discussion in Washington than there was just two months ago.

Majority Report video.