De Blasio Gives His Real Opinion, Gets Bullied By Hillary Campaign?

TYT Network

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (a Democrat) said Sunday on Meet The Press that he would not back Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign until she clarifies her message for voters, according to The Hill magazine.

De Blasio was still confident that she would make a good candidate, and referred to her as “one of the most qualified out of everyone that had announced their bid for the Presidency.”

However, Hilary Rosen, a Democratic strategist and supporter of Mrs. Clinton, chastised Mr. de Blasio on Twitter, writing that Mrs. Clinton fought for the middle class and poor families long before the mayor “could even articulate any vision at all,” states the Wall Street Journal.

Ms. Rosen wrote that Mr. de Blasio’s “self-aggrandizing” won’t go unnoticed. Later, she wrote she meant no disrespect to the mayor but thought he should have been more sensitive on her announcement day.

(Updated video)

More African Americans Run For Local Government In Ferguson


MSNBC gives “All In” viewers a look at the history-making election in Ferguson, MO.

After months of upheaval, the beleaguered city of Ferguson, Missouri, has a new governing board. It looks different than the old one, states CNN.

After a higher-than-normal 30% turnout, two African-American candidates won their wards last Tuesday to make the six-member City Council 50% black.

Ferguson’s population of about 21,000 is 70% black, but the City Council was predominantly white, as is the police force.

Russell Westbrook Back For Oklahoma City

Russell Westbrook, a point guard for the Oklahoma City Thunder, will return to play Wednesday night against basketball’s Philadelphia 76ers.

Westbrook confirmed he will return at the morning shootaround.

His face was inadvertently kneed in the side of the head Friday night, and it was still noticeably swollen at the shootaround.

He will wear a clear protective mask to shield the injury.

Known for his flashy fashion taste, Westbrook will have to wear the standard mask allowed by the league.

Shooting At Minnesota City Council Meeting

A man opened fire on police attending a swearing-in ceremony for new officers in New Hope, Minnesota, on Monday night.

Two officers were shot before police returned fire, killing the man. The officers are expected to survive.

The shooting happened right after two newly sworn-in officers left the chambers. It is not known if the two officers who were shot were newly sworn-in.

As a city council member began a discussion of a resolution, a man with a handgun began firing, said Hennepin County Chief Deputy Mike Carlson.

Officials don’t yet know why the man targeted officers. His name hasn’t been released.

The city council records their meetings and video cameras captured the sound of the gunshots, according to CNN.

Video by YouHitNews

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly Mentions Paris Lawsuit

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly had strong words for Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo.

During an interview Tuesday with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Hidalgo announced she plans to sue Fox News after the network “insulted” the image of the city with a bogus report on non-Muslim “no-go zones.” Over the weekend, Fox News apologized four times for several unsubstantiated claims made on the air, but Hidalgo insisted that the city will “have to go to court in order to have these words removed.”

Tuesday, Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly hit back, calling the threat of legal action “ridiculous” and an “attention-getter,” and he went out of his way to call the Parisian mayor a socialist.

“I didn’t have anything to do with this, but I will point out that the mayor is a socialist, that Fox News isn’t even seen in France, because they block it there,” he said.

He did not talk about the reasons that Fox News is blocked in France.

“So this is just an attention-getter, another playing to the left, that’s what this is. Suit’s going nowhere. It’s ridiculous.”

Commentator Bernie Goldberg pushed back, stating that “if any news organization has to apologize as many times as Fox has over this one issue, something is wrong.” O’Reilly then attempted to shift the blame to Steven Emerson, the Fox News guest who made the initial “no-go zones” remark about Birmingham, England.

“It was the Birmingham, England, thing. It was different. It was a different issue there,” O’Reilly said, adding that Fox News hadn’t insulted Paris. “He doesn’t work for Fox News. It was a commentator that they put on.”

Below is Steven Emerson’s exchange with Fox’s Jeanine Pirro.

urbanimage video

Shootout At Gun Store In Kansas City

Sources claim that police are investigating after a store owner was killed and three men were shot during a robbery attempt at a Shawnee self-defense shop Friday afternoon.

The shooting happened about 2:10 p.m. Friday at She’s a Pistol, located at 5725 Nieman Road, when four men tried to rob the store.

Police said the male store owner was shot. Jon Bieker was taken to the hospital in critical condition where he later died. Two would-be robbers suffered critical injuries in an apparent shootout with the owners. Major Dan Tennis with the Shawnee Police Department said two other men ran from the store.

Video by YouHitNews

40% Of Inmates At New York City Jails Are Mentally Ill

Roughly 40% of inmates at jails in New York City are mentally ill…

Majority Report video.


Family Of Tamir Rice Files Lawsuit Against Cleveland Police

The family of the 12-year-old boy who was fatally shot by a Cleveland police officer over a toy gun have filed a federal lawsuit claiming the officers “recklessly” shot the boy and then failed to give him immediate medical care.

Officer Timothy Loehmann, who fired the fatal shots, Loehmann’s partner Officer Frank Garmback and the City of Cleveland are all named as defendants in the suit.

The suit accuses Loehmann and Garmback of acting “unreasonably, negligently, recklessly, wantonly, willfully, knowingly, intentionally, and with deliberate indifference to the safety and rights of Tamir Rice.”

The suit also accuses the officers of failing “to secure timely medical assistance.” Surveillance video of the incident shows that Rice wasn’t given first aid by the officers until a medically-trained FBI agent arrived on the scene.

The lawsuit also attacks the policies of the City of Cleveland as a whole.

“Defendant City of Cleveland has a policy, practice and custom of using excessive force on African American citizens and that policy practice and custom was the moving force behind the excessive force used on Tamir Rice and proximately caused his suffering and death,” the suit states.

The suit does not specify how much money Rice’s relatives are asking for in compensation and damages but it asks that the issue be brought before a jury.

Again? Oklahoma Wal-Mart Asks For Food Donations For Employees

An Oklahoma City Wal-Mart is asking employees to donate food to help their coworkers for the holidays, according to a photo posted by the labor-backed coalition Making Change At Wal-Mart.

A sign on the collection bin reads, “Let’s succeed by donating to associates in need!!!”

The company drew criticism for similar employee food drives a year ago. At that time, a spokesman characterized the efforts as “part of the company’s culture to rally around associates and take care of them when they face extreme hardships.”

David Pakman video.