Epic O’Reilly Race Rant: Vintage Video


Writer Leonard Pitts looks at the typical talking points made by pundits like O’Reilly, such as the black-on-black crime rate:

“…this has become the go-to “reasoning” for those on the right — Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Rush Limbaugh — when asked to give a damn about the killings of unarmed black boys and men.

“That formulation is false for multiple reasons.

“In the first place, being concerned over the shooting of unarmed black men hardly precludes being concerned over violence within the African-American community. Giuliani and others suggest a dichotomy where none exists.

“In the second place, they ignore the obvious: When black people commit crimes against black people, they face prosecution, but when police officers (or certain neighborhood watchmen) commit crimes against black people, they face getting off with little if any punishment.

“In the third place, what exactly is “black on black” crime?

“Do black people kill one another? Sure they do. Ninety percent of black murder victims are killed by black assailants.

“But guess what? White people kill one another, too. Eighty-three percent of white victims are killed by white assailants. See, the vast majority of violent crime is committed within — not between — racial groups. Crime is a matter of proximity and opportunity. People victimize their own rather than drive across town to victimize somebody else.


‘Outed:’ Alabama Police Department Has Two Hate-Group Members On The Force

Southern Poverty Law Center

In 2013, Josh Doggrell took the stage at the national conference for the neo-Confederate League of the South (LOS).  He spoke about gun rights, county supremacy, the state of law enforcement in Alabama, and his loyalty to the League, writes the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

The League of the South is a neo-Confederate group that advocates for a second Southern secession and a society dominated by “European Americans,” writes the SPLC.

“It’s wonderful to be around sanity,” the founder and chairman of the League’s John C. Calhoun chapter in a video of the event posted to YouTube.

It was a common speech for a League conference. But Doggrell wasn’t quite a common southern nationalist, because he was a police officer, a lieutenant in the Anniston Police Department, and he wasn’t the only one; a second officer from his department, Lieutenant Wayne Brown, joined Doggrell at the convention, and they had come with good news – good news for any self-respecting southern nationalist at least.

The two Anniston, Alabama, police officers, attended the 2013 conference held by the neo-Confederate group the League of the South. Doggrell spoke at the conference—clips of which appear above.

The “godly” nation envisioned by the League should be run by an “Anglo-Celtic” (read: white) elite that would establish a Christian theocratic state and politically dominate blacks and other minorities, according to the SPLC.

Originally founded by a group that included many Southern university professors, the group lost its Ph.D.s as it became more explicitly racist. The league denounces the federal government and northern and coastal states as part of “the Empire,” a materialist and anti-religious society.

In recent years, it has become increasingly rabid, writing about potential violence, criticizing perceived Jewish power, and warning blacks that they would be defeated in any “race war.”

Read the full story about the Anniston police officers: http://splcenter.org/blog/2015/06/17/…



Can A Person Get Arrested For Masturbating In Their Own Car?


At least one guy did.

Police in Mandeville, Louisiana, arrested a local man Monday, June 15th, for allegedly masturbating in his car in public.

The incident occurred in the Northlake Shopping Center, police said.

Just after 6:30 p.m. – still in daylight hours – police received a call concerning public obscenity in the parking lot, located in the 1800 block of North Causeway Approach, writes nola.com.

Officers allegedly found the man there in his charcoal gray 2006 Nissan Altima, according to a Mandeville Police report.

When officers arrived, the report said, they found the man “seated in the vehicle and still actively ‘perpetrating his crime,'” according to the press release.

The man was arrested and charged with one count of public obscenity. The charge carries a fine of between $1,000 and $2,000, and jail time of between six months and three years, police said.

The man was booked into the St. Tammany Parish jail, according to police.

(Updated article)



Mother Of NFL Star Aaron Hernandez Apologizes To Mother Of Murder Victim

One day after Aaron Hernandez began serving his sentence of life in prison for the crime of murder, the former New England Patriot’s mother is directing her comments to the mother of murder victim Odin Lloyd, WCBV News reports.

“As mother to mother, I’m very sorry. I don’t know what happened, but I’m very sorry for all this,” Terri Hernandez told Ursula Ward, according to the Boston Herald.

She said Ward was “a great woman, nice and caring.”

When told of what Terri Hernandez said, Ms. Ward replied that she said all she will say outside the courthouse, when she expressed forgiveness.

Republican Bill In West Virginia House Would Make It Criminal To Enforce The Affordable Care Act in The State

House Chamber

According to wvgazette.com, some Republicans in West Virginia’s House of Delegates want to make it illegal for federal and state officials to enforce the ACA health-care law (Obamacare).

Under the GOP-backed bill (HB2509), federal employees would face felony charges if they try to administer any federal regulations under the Affordable Care Act.  Oddly, state workers would only be arrested for a misdemeanor.

The bill itself is possibly illegal and would jeopardize health insurance for many West Virginians.

The piece of legislation also states that the federal health-care law is “invalid” in West Virginia.

“It’s one thing to oppose the Affordable Care Act, but it’s another thing to make it a criminal act for people to do their job,” said Perry Bryant, who heads West Virginians for Affordable Health Care.

“This is really an extreme piece of legislation, as extreme as anything I’ve seen this session.”



Why Don’t Criminals Who Commit Crimes Against Black Rappers Get Caught?

Clip published on June,20th 2013 by best-selling Author Tariq Nasheed entitled “Crime & Hip Hop” from macklessonsradio.com.

Nasheed asks why criminals who commit crimes against black rappers don’t get caught.  Any truth to it?

Video by getmoneystayreal

Three Anti-Muslim Attacks In One Week

Swedish police started a manhunt recently after the third arson attack against a mosque in a week.

Secular Talk video.


House GOP Leader Once Addressed White Supremacists

A House GOP leader has acknowledged that he once addressed a gathering of white supremacists, though his office denies any association with the group’s social views.

Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, Cathy McMorris Rodgers

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, the chamber’s third-ranking Republican, served in the Louisiana Legislature when he appeared in 2002 at a convention of the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO).

The group was founded by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, and the Southern Poverty Law Center has classified the group as a hate group.

In a written statement, Scalise aide Moira Bagley Smith confirmed that Scalise addressed the group as it gathered at a hotel near the neighborhoods that both Scalise and Duke represented during separate terms as state lawmakers.

MSNBC video.




Abortion ‘Coercion’ Would Carry Criminal Penalties Under Michigan Law

Coercing someone to have an abortion would carry criminal penalties under bills approved by the Michigan state Senate on Thursday.

In typical right-wing “one size fits all” hardline fashion, the bill would propose that it result in criminal penalties under Senate Bills 1156 and 1157.

Republican state Sen. Judy Emmons, R-Sheridan, says more needs to be done to prevent coerced abortion.

“The decision is taken from them. They are forced into it,” she said.

Democrats say the bills do not clearly define what “coercion” means.

“This lack of clarity stands to have a number of unintended consequences for women, their health care providers, and their families as they work through what are already very difficult decisions,” said Sen. Rebekah Warren, D-Ann Arbor. The legislation now goes to the state House.


Mark Wahlberg Racist Crimes Under the Microscope

Mark Wahlberg’s racist attacks from his teenage years are under the microscope, as he tries to have felony convictions from the 1980’s removed from his record so he can get liquor licenses for his Wahlburgers restaurant chain.

The actor-turned-restaurateur was convicted of assaulting a Vietnamese man in Boston when he was 16, and he is also said to have terrorized black students that were in his neighborhood during the same period of time.

Though he has expressed remorse at his actions, he is being criticized for not making sufficient amends.

The Lip TV video.