Odd: Ted Cruz Claims GOP Isn’t The Party Of The Rich

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) played ball with “the media” on his appearance on Morning Joe Tuesday morning.

During the show, Cruz says why he believes his economic plan is good for the poor.  His plan would cut taxes on the wealthy, which decreases tax revenue and increases deficit spending.  He also recommends cutting regulations, which encourages financial companies to make more risky investments.

Secular Talk

Does Fox News Just Repeat Republican Talking Points?

A Fox News report reportedly came straight from a Republican National Committee (RNC) memo announcing its “Hillary’s Hiding” campaign. That campaign, launched two days before the Fox & Friends segment, purports to “keep asking, ‘Where’s Hillary?'” and focuses on the number of days since Clinton’s last press conference and interview. At no point did Fox News anchor Elizabeth Hasselbeck credit the RNC for the concept that framed her segment.

TYT Network

‘I Will Not Comply’ Rally: ‘If You Want To Own A Bazooka, You Can Own A Bazooka’

Above, Sam Wilson, carrying a rifle on his back, waits on the Capitol grounds to address the crowd.According to the Seattle Times, in a bizarre role reversal, organizers of the “I Will Not Comply” pro-gun rally in Olympia Washington on Saturday, December 13th blamed events like the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting in Connecticut on people trying to regulate firearms.

Demonstrators denounced a law expanding gun-purchase background checks that was approved last month by Washington voters.

Initiative 594, which voters passed by a 19-point margin, expands background checks to people buying firearms in private sales or exchanging them in a transfer.

Since the 1990s, federal law has mandated background checks for people buying guns through licensed dealers at gun shops, but not for private sales at gun shows or similar events.

School shootings around the country have spurred tighter gun laws, some enacted by state legislators, or in the case of I-594, by popular vote.

In a strange twist of logic, rally organizer Gavin Seim blamed events like the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting in Connecticut on people trying to regulate firearms.

When he spoke to the crowd, he said, “The people that are trying to take our guns are the ones that are causing events where children and families and people are lost,” said Seim, who ran unsuccessfully this year for U.S. Congress.

Washington State Patrol put the crowd at about 1,000 people; Seim estimated 1,500.

While on stage, Seim burned his state concealed-weapons permit and advocated that people should buy tanks and bazookas if they wanted them.

“If you want to own a bazooka, you can own a bazooka,” Seim said to cheers.

The crowd ranged from people with concerns over I-594’s language about unlawful gun transfers to others who thought it was a step toward gun registration.  Still others saw the law as an indication of America coming under the sway of a United Nations plan to strip the country of its freedoms.

Others said they worried that I-594 was a symptom of a larger sort of creeping government overreach.  “My rights are being infringed…,” said attendee Robert Henry.

Apparently, Robert’s right to own a Bazooka is being infringed…

Mexican Protester Lights Himself On Fire

EDS. NOTE GRAPHIC CONTENT - Farmer Agustin Gomez Perez, 21, runs engulfed in flames after he was lit on fire as a form of protest outside the Chiapas ...

According to the AP, a young farmer in Tuxtla Gutierrez in southern Mexico set himself on fire to demand the release of his father, an indigenous leader who was arrested last year on charges stemming from a series of demonstrations in 2011 that turned violent.

He was outside of the Chiapas state legislature building.

Agustin Gomez Perez, 21, lay down and allowed another protester to douse him with gasoline and set it alight on Friday. He was taken to a hospital, and his stepmother, Araceli Diaz, said Saturday that he was “serious but stable” condition with second- and third-degree burns.

Gomez Perez and other indigenous farmers have been protesting last year’s jailing of his father, Florentino Gomez Giron.

The father is charged with murder, stealing cattle, organized crime and causing 39 families to flee the Ixtapa municipality as a result of leading indigenous protests in 2011 to demand improved basic services. The protests culminated in violence that included the destruction of police cars and the burning of the Ixtapa town hall.

The human rights office of the Chiapas state government issued a statement lamenting Gomez Perez’s immolation and saying it would seek to discourage “acts that put at risk the lives of protesters.”

St. Louis Prosecutor Charges Black Officer With Assault

Recently, a Black police officer in the St. Louis county police department was charged with a felony after hitting a person on the hand with his baton, even though officer Darren Wilson did not get charged with any crime at all.

Is this appropriate, and why would that be?

Dawon Gore, a Black 13-year veteran of the St. Louis County Police Department, was charged with felony assault after striking a MetroLink passenger on the hand with his expandable baton following an argument, according to CBS St. Louis.

CBS St. Louis reports, Gore is accused of using excessive force against an unnamed 24-year-old light-rail passenger in late April at the Hanley Road station in Clayton.

According to a police press release, the investigation was forwarded to prosecutor Bob McCullough, the same prosecutor who did not charge Darren Wilson, a white Ferguson police officer in the murder of Mike Brown, an unarmed Black teenager.

The investigation was sent to McCullough with a recommendation to press charges, which is what he did. Gore, who is a 44-year-old Ferguson resident, was charged with second-degree assault. He was jailed on a $3,500 with a cash-only bond.

Sources claim Gore is currently in jail.


A Now This video.

Breitbart Reports On The Wrong Loretta Lynch

Barack Obama will be nominating Loretta Lynch for Attorney General.

Right-wing publication Breitbart reported on the wrong woman.

Majority Report video.

The original Breitbart article now gives a 404 Not Found message:
